petcare business

How To Stay Focused On Your Equine or Pet Care Business

Do you enjoy the job you do? Or are you not sure if you do any more?

Recently, i've had a couple of equine therapist coaching clients who've felt a bit unsure of their "why". A common theme between them, has been that they've felt a bit annoyed by others. In so far as other new businesses being setup in 'competition'. But they've also felt deflated by these other equine therapists not being 'properly' qualified.

There are differences in some of the qualifications people can get to work with horses as a complementary therapist. And some are less rigorous than others. So it's only natural if you've spent a long time training. To feel that others setting up without such thorough education, could be unfair.

Whether this is the case or not. Although it can be useful to know what competitors are doing. It's important not to get distracted by them. Especially, if it makes you doubt everything you're doing!

Staying motivated can be difficult. Especially if you're working as a solopreneur. Here are 3 tips to help you stay motivated, no matter what other 'competitors' are doing.

3 Tips To Stay Motivated On Your Equine or Pet Care Business

1. Remember your "why". And write it down! Again and again - every day. Start your day writing in your journal or notebook, why you're doing the job you're doing. If you work with horses as a physiotherapist, then presumably you love horses? And want to help them move better. Hang onto that thought. So keep reminding yourself.

Remember your qualifications/training. It doesn't matter how under or over qualified your competitors are. You have your training and your knowledge. Don't doubt what you know. Again, write this down in your notebook or journal. Every day.

Think about the horses (or other animals) you have helped. There will be many. Write down as a case study some of them. If you've not done this before, it can help you not only stay motivated about the difference you do make. But also can use in your marketing (making details anonymous if you've not got permission).

Try to stay focused on you. What others are doing in their businesses, is their business..

Get more tips on how to stay motivated in your pet or horse care business, by reading other posts here in this blog. So please take a look!

How to Get Confidence Running Your Equine or Canine Business

Click here for more information on how I can help. Or email me at info @

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.

PS: You can find more equestrian and pet care themed business articles over at my Linkedin, see more here

7 Steps To Have A Successful Business Startup With A Pet

7 Keys for a Successful Business Startup With a New Pet

Pets and Biz

According to the latest research and data of 2023-2024, 86.9 Million US households owns a pet, which accounts for 66%. Even if you are also one of the hundreds of thousands of U.S. business startups this year, you may have a pet or are considering getting one. Is it wise to get a new pet while also starting a new business? When you utilize these seven keys for success, such an endeavor is not as challenging as it may seem.

  1. A Solid Business Plan Gets You Off on the Right Foot

There are a multitude of tasks you need to accomplish before your business is ready to roll. Coming up with a business plan and formation should be the first items you check off your list, next to finding a location and obtaining licenses, permits, and insurance. To avoid hiccups down the road when your hands are full with a pet, make your business plan first.

  1. Work Delegation Is Your Key to Sanity

Even when you intend to handle all of your business yourself, you stand to benefit by delegating the more minor tasks to someone else. You can find affordable freelancers and independent contractors by using the right job boards and mobile apps. Whether for website creation or graphic design, hiring outside assistance benefits your business by freeing up your time for the more critical work and helping you avoid burnout.

  1. It's Never Too Early To Start Pet Training

Plan to invest in pet training as early as possible to help control your pet's behavior and expectations. Puppies can start training as early as twelve weeks old and sometimes even sooner. If you are not a trainer yourself, hire a professional to do it for you. A well-trained pet lets you better focus on your business when needed.

  1. Quality Health Care Keeps Your Pet Happy

Learn as much about your pet's healthcare needs as you can before bringing your furry pal home. Consider the pros and cons of holistic care and what natural options exist to supplement your pet's health in addition to current veterinary care advancements that may benefit your animal.

  1. Your Business and Your Pet Need Designated Space

You need a personal space to work and your pet needs a space to relax. Keep your work in your workspace, and help your four-legged companion become accustomed to his or her own space for when life gets overwhelming.

  1. Tech Is Your — and Your Pet's — Friend

You can't be everywhere at once, but modern home technology can help you monitor and even interact with your pet while you're stuck in the office. Cameras help you see what your pet is up to and talk to your pal remotely. You can even get alerts if your pet gets out of the house.

  1. Don't Underestimate the Power of a Pet Sitter

Your pet may require a lot of monitoring, and that's fine. When you need to focus on the business, consider finding a sitter using an app or job board. You can schedule regular hours or just use a sitter in a pinch when your pet needs companionship but you really have to get work done.

Appreciate Your Business Success and Pet

While bringing home a new pet will take a lot of your time at first, you can still be triumphant with launching your business. Take advantage of the resources around you both for work and your pet, and you'll get the hang of success in no time.

For more information on using a holistic approach to care for your animal companions, connect with Taranet!

About The Author
This is a guest post by Cindy Aldridge

How You Can Make a Difference To Animals Affected by Domestic Abuse

Super Ideas To Make A Difference To Pets Affected By Domestic Abuse

Imagine… You have a choice. End an abusive relationship. But to do so means leaving your home and moving far away. And in doing so, you have no option but to leave your dog behind.

This is a decision faced by too many women and men experiencing domestic abuse. Often it's described as the hardest decision they've ever had to make.

Not much of a choice is it?

How Are Animals Affected By Domestic Abuse?

Sadly, many animals living with their paw-parents who're in an abusive relationships, will be directly affected.

At best they'll experience indirect impacts of emotionally drained and strained care.

But at worst they'll be starved, injured and traumatised. So leaving your much loved pet with the person who's been abusing both of you isn't something you'd do unless you were desperate.

Under-estimating the impact of domestic abuse - It's true to also say that many people under-estimate the fact of how children are affected by domestic abuse. And our pets are like children - living in the home. Witnessing and sensing the tension and violence.

But it can be easier to find alternative accommodation for a survivor of domestic abuse and their children, than it is for a survivor and their pet! This can't be right!

Is there an answer to helping animals and their owners affected by domestic abuse?

Yes there is! Around the UK and many countries, there are many animal charities who offer pet fostering schemes. These enable victims to leave their relationships and ensure their pet's safety.

For instance in the UK: Cats Protection has a "Paws Protect Scheme" which enables cats to be fostered in safe homes. And Dog's Trust has their "Freedom Project" to help dogs to be safe. A charity called Refuge 4 Pets also offers fostering for a variety of animals

There are many other schemes too in the UK and around the world.

What Can You Do To Help Pets Affected by Domestic Abuse?

Unfortunately all these pet fostering schemes need more help! They need:

  • More funding
  • More foster carers
  • More awareness of their existence.

This is where you can make a difference! You can help by:

  • Fundraising for these charities schemes
  • Help fellow animal lovers know how they can make a difference by becoming foster carers. Or you could become a foster carer yourself!
  • Promoting awareness of these schemes, so that your customers and contacts who maybe living with domestic abuse know that they can help their animals to be safe. You can do this be including information on your website, social media, publications, invoices, etc.

Now You Can Take Action To Help Pets Affected By Domestic Abuse

Were you aware of this issue before reading this blog? I hope it's helped you see that you can make a difference. Remember, domestic abuse is not a private matter, it shouldn't be kept behind closed doors. And no matter how small, you can make a difference.

If you are affected by domestic abuse, then please contact one of the national helplines available. As you maybe reading this from anywhere across the world, i'm not listing all national helplines here as are too many to mention. So just go to Google and tap in domestic abuse help (in your country) and find your helpline.

Are you a veterinarian and like to know more about the signs of domestic abuse? Then take my "Forgotten Victims" digital course - click here for info.

OR I can provide 1-2-1 coaching to help you develop your response to this issue in your veterinary or animal healthcare practice. Email me at info@ to discuss.

Like to develop your horse or pet care business?

Click here for more information on consultancy. Or email me at info @ for info on coaching opportunities with me.

About The Author

Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse. With over a decade's experience as a domestic abuse expert combined with a lifelong love of animals,

PS: You can find more equestrian and pet care themed business articles over at my Linkedin, see more here

Get Organised By Keeping It Simple


Do you find it easy to get into a routine of handling daily tasks? Whether that’s organising your personal life or business. Whatever system you’re currently using is working. As you’re here!

But it’s always useful to reflect on what you’re doing, and see if there’s any tips that you can use to improve your routine. And get more done. This may not be more work done. It could be getting more time to have a longer walk with your dog or a longer grooming session or ride with your horse. (Or spend more time with your partner/children!).

So here i’m going to talk about a common item many of us have. But we can also under-use its potential. This is your diary! Here’s some tips to help you use it to make you be (and feel) more productive.

Is your diary an electronic calendar like Google? I love a paper diary. You may do too.

By having your calendar online, you get reminders and alerts on your phone or computer/tablet. They can be annoying (alerts I mean!) but they're also useful.

So what can you put in your online calendar that’d help you? Block out time to get some particular pieces of work done. This could be to do:

your invoicing
book venues
call clients
organising and planning “regular” tasks for example.

Make your online calendar work harder for you. Attach notes, documents and website or email links to your calendar entries. That way you’ll save lots of time not looking things up.

Great business tips don’t have to be complicated. In fact if something does seem complex you’re less likely to do it, and maintain it.

So I hope this has been useful, despite its simplicity!

Now, earlier I mentioned about you “feeling more productive”. It’s a fact that routines and good organisation rely less on you using your willpower to get something done. Relying on willpower takes more effort. If a task is routine then it’s more likely to get completed. This can lead to a sense of accomplishment. Better than a list of work / ideas you’ve not yet started. So get scheduling work into your calendar!

What Next?

For a free social media content calendar template, please email me at

How to Make Your Equine or Canine Business Thrive
Email me for coaching information at info @

Regards, Suzanne

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.

Client Testimonials


Customer testimonials can create confidence in your horse or dog care business.

Using testimonials from your customers in your marketing can be helpful. Whether this is your website or leaflets, or other promotional materials.

But be clear with your customers who give you their testimonials what you're going to do with it. A testimonial could include a picture of your customer's horse or dog. Or be a couple of sentences about the benefits of your service.

A customer may not be happy to have their testimonial used on the internet. But they may be happy to have it used in a leaflet. Or vice versa.

An easy way for you and your customer to be clear is to have a simple agreement in place. When your customer provides a testimonial for your service. An agreement can help you be clear where you can use it.

Is it for:
i) Your own professional portfolio. (Could be useful for your continuous professional development or other training)
ii) Online (e.g. website or social media)
iii) Offline promotional materials (e.g. leaflets)

Agree how your customer wants to be 'labelled'. Is it for you to use their whole name and location? Or initials and area? Are they happy to be contacted by your new prospective customers?

Your customer should sign or confirm in writing. Agreeing that you can use the testimonial in whichever format they agree to.

Does this matter if the customer "volunteers" the testimonial?
Yes! Misunderstandings can occur. Avoid them by always having a clear agreement.

What next?

If you're already collecting testimonials, then are you already getting a signed agreement? If not, start today! Review existing testimonials with the customer to check they're happy.

If you're not already getting testimonials. Then if you see this of benefit to your marketing, then start doing it today. Many people are happy leaving reviews, so why not ask?!

How to Make Your Equine or Canine Business Thrive
Email me at info @ for business coaching and consultancy information.

About The Author
Suzanne Harris is an equestrian and canine entrepreneurial coach and consultant to veterinarians who want to help prevent animals being affected by domestic abuse.